Trip To Isfahan | Travel Guide

All things about travel and accommodation in Isfahan

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Abdul Hussein Khan was the grandson of Muhammad Taqi Sepehr, the author of the famous book such as Nasakh al-Tawarikh. He worked at the State Department in youth at the age of 18 at the end of Nasser al-Din Shah's reign. Later he went to the court and served as secretary for Amin al-Sultan.

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How can we classify old and new Isfahan? It is clear from the context of Isfahan city buildings that, in the past, the city has been mainly located in the northern part of Zayandehrood River and in recent decades this growth has been increasing from the south of Zayandehrood River. In fact, we cannot easily distinguish between old and new Isfahan.

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Isfahan has been a convenient place for human habitation since pre-Islamic times, and perhaps even before the emergence of important civilizations in Iran. The current city of Isfahan is located in an area similar to a plain, meaning that the land is flanked by high mountains and a steady stream of water,

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Isfahan is an ancient city in the center of Iran. This city is in the center of Isfahan province and also in the center of Isfahan city many monuments are sited. Isfahan is the third largest Iranian city after Tehran and Mashhad and the third most populous Iranian city after Tehran and Mashhad.

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Traveling is an important part of people’s lives. When a person have had a hard year, or had a huge amount of pressure on him; going on a trip is a solution to be refresh and get some fresh air. Traveling abroad is something that you need to search for some data before taking it. For example;

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