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Isfahan; The capital of heroism

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Isfahan; The capital of heroism, the banner of chivalry

Ancient sport is a history for us, it is not just a sport, it is a culture. Revive and revitalize sports in the world.

 Wrestling history became a world record

After scientific, technical and executive pursuits, Iran's heroic and zurkhaneh rituals as the spiritual heritage of humanity at the Kenya Summit held on November 16, 2010 at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) It was registered worldwide so that the precious heritage of Iranians would be forever safe from the plunder of the claiming countries and would be registered and preserved in the name of Iran.

Isfahan, the cultural capital of wrestling and zurkhaneh in Iran

The next step is to award Isfahan the title of Cultural Capital of Wrestling and Zurkhaneh Sports of Iran. But why Isfahan? The city of turquoise domes, the cultural capital of the Islamic world in 2006 and the capital of culture and civilization of Iran, has long been a breeding ground for heroes and chivalrous people. The number of zurkhanehs in the country is also a title.

The selection of Isfahan as the cultural capital of wrestling and zurkhaneh sports of Islamic Iran opened a new chapter in the sports book of this city and the task of protecting this title was assigned to the municipality of Isfahan.

After this election, the Pahlavani and Zurkhane Sports Federation signed a memorandum of understanding and handed over the implementation of programs related to this title, including the establishment of the Isfahan Permanent Secretariat, to the Isfahan Municipality. Finally, the Permanent Secretariat of Isfahan, the cultural capital of Iran's wrestling and zurkhaneh sports, was inaugurated on the 20th of Bahman, at the same time as the Mubarak Fajr Decade, and on the eve of Christmas, with the blessings of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and Imam Sadegh (AS).

Isfahan Municipality internationalizes wrestling and zurkhaneh

"Isfahan Municipality internationalizes wrestling and zurkhaneh sports" This news was given by the mayor of Isfahan on the day of introducing Isfahan as the cultural capital of wrestling and zurkhaneh sports. Now, the official secretariat of the cultural capital of wrestling and zurkhaneh is trying to achieve this goal. Historical house residence in Isfahan near these places are rare. But you can find best of them with the name of Kianpour house.

Hassan Sohrabi, who received the official executive order of the Secretariat of the Cultural Capital of Wrestling and Zurkhaneh of Iran from the Mayor of Isfahan at the beginning of December this year. Explains in a conversation:

The activity of the secretariat of the capital of wrestling and zurkhaneh in 2 issues with 3 solutions

step one; Increasing the number of gyms

Our first priority is to promote the sport of wrestling and zurkhaneh, and our second priority is to revive the culture of chivalry. The first goal cannot be achieved except by increasing the number of zurkhanehs and rebuilding worn-out zurkhanehs, so we are going to search the city and find old baths and houses that can be turned into zurkhanehs and find the conditions to turn these places into places. Prepare to do wrestling.

At present, we have about 20 zurkhanehs in Isfahan, of which fourteen are active, and the rest need to be repaired and rebuilt. In addition, old baths and houses are identified to be turned into zurkhanehs and transformed into a cultural space. Unique music and cover, and very beautiful group and team movements, the sport of wrestling will penetrate the layers of society from the octagonal depth of these zurkhanehs to promote the spirit of chivalry.

Reviving the culture of chivalry

In the second discussion, one should seek to revive the culture of chivalry. There is a lot of talk about it and people want it. It is a matter of chivalry, and in fact this trait is a social business card and an identity.

National culture should become international

For this purpose, we have several special programs. First, the introduction of wrestling and zurkhaneh to the sister cities of Isfahan. The culture of chivalry and heroism, which is a national, Shiite and Islamic culture, is thus internationalized. We have already run two programs in Ireland and South Korea. In these two trips, in addition to setting up Isfahan handicrafts exhibitions, our zurkhaneh teams were also sent and the most beautiful parts of Isfahan's cultural programs were created, which were also very well received.

National Festival of Wrestling Culture; Dissemination of chivalry in the national dimension

The second issue is the spread of wrestling in the national dimension. Holding the "National Festival of Heroic Culture" is the most important program that we are considering in this section. Special posters of the festival have been designed and distributed in cultural centers. This festival is held in 3 literary, artistic and scientific formats and in seven sections: photos, short films, paintings, stories, poems, researches and old documents. The role of the hero in solving the problem and reviving the culture of self-sacrifice in the neighborhoods and heroism from the perspective of Iran and rich Persian literature should be prepared.


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